So there we were, back in the Chesterfields by a teeny tiny red hot fire knocking back the pints.
Not been too bad a day, best check the ever reliable Met Office weather radar to see what is going on. Oh Dear Me, all blue rain soon to come battering in followed by yellow rain - whatever that is. So what to do? Well it is Wednesday, six thirty, so no choice, get your stuff on and go. Out to Two Bridges, on with all the waterproofs that can be found and through the gate. Not too bad at all - views afar and some nice warmish gentle rain. Along the track to Crockern Farm where this super duper go anywhere, do anything Land Rover rested. Now if we had one of them we would not have to go out at all! Up the gently rising track to the stile and to Little Bee. Onward with the soft rain behind to Littaford and then Longaford remembering that lovely snow walk earlier in the year. Down the track to Wistmans and out over the stile - but what is that? A big red sign warning us to 'Be Vigilant' and we hadn't been at all. In fact silly us had not even recognised the huge fire risk we had passed through.
Worth another go, so to the Two Bridges which was very welcoming indeed. Just bad luck I guess that we got thrown out a couple of years ago. Another very pleasant evening on the moor. It is true what they say "You really do have to be there ..."