WW 3rd January 2024

 No rain, but plenty of sticky, slippy mud. Skis might have been more serviceable.

Mud mud, glorious mud
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood
So follow me follow, down to the hollow
And there we shall wallow in glorious mud.
And so I did, wallow I mean just like the hippo....... A baby one of course!
Thanks Charlie and Jane for that!!
From a wet and empty Long Ash car park, a long way down to the river Walkham zigzagging, sliding, balancing, falling, negotiating lots of water and mud, trees and undergrowth.
Finally reaching the relative safety of Magpie CP.
Choosing a nice easy path  through the woods, not too close to the raging river,  out on to the magnificent Gem Bridge with much new ironwork and another look at Terry's swing, ahhh memories!!
Down to beautiful Grenofen Bridge where the waters were very dark and angry. Wading through the mini lakes of the carpark and up, up and more up the rocky track until finally we reached, yes, you've guessed it, more mud, this time large, deep channels ground into the track. But it was on the flat!
Reading the tree line and finding a left hand track through the dead bracken , we realised the sky had cleared and the stars were out in force. We even named some of them!
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are
Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky..........!

And so, back to the Rock, always open always welcoming .


You really do have to be there ...
