The first day of Spring don't you know. And very Springlike it was too.
Hardly a breath of wind to set off from Ringmoor Cottage. Gently up and over on the ever widening track past Brisworthy and down to the fabulous stone circle. Round by the wall, through the gap and up the soft grass to Legis. A quick hunt for the vermin trap and to the summit. Clouds drifting in and out with no sign of the big moon just yet. Over the stile and down, with the roaring Plym below, to Ditsworthy Warren. Always a treat to be there especially in the evening - proper Dartmoor. Now the moon and stars decided to pop out so no torch needed to follow the War Horse track. Then up toward Gutter Tor and, just as the ISS is due, the clouds decided to roll back in. Up to the trig point and along, along back to Ringmoor. A very fine evening to be out on the moor.