WW 19th June 2024


“I think I’ll go round the other way for a change” I said
“We could have a look at the reservoir that feeds Mary Tavy Power Station” he said
“And walk along the canal from there” he said
There’s “no path on the map” I said
“I’ve run along there before” he said!
So off we set along the road to Horndon village calling in at the old Chapel. The organ was still there dilapidating gently in the grass. A few orchids, maybe Heath Spotted, maybe Southern Marsh. I’m even more confused even after my days tuition at Pudsham with the DPA. Half as many this year as usual apparently.
Then down a lovely old sunken lane to find a gate into a field to find a large pond with views over to Standon Down. A wonderful spot, the still water reflecting the trees and undergrowth around it. No way out so back up the track.
“Here’s the canal he said” but no path. Up and over gates, back and forth across the canal through fields with panicking sheep. Finally over another gate almost back where we started onto the  track leading down to Horndon Bridge.
It was getting late so we powered along the very nice path along the canal with a small detour into the woods on the other side when a very nice notice unusually stated Public Access Welcome! So finally to Hill Bridge Weir. Then back up another old sunken lane past Chilly Wood finally popping out onto the Moor to be greeted by more sheep or were they goats?
The Mary Tavy still open - Phew! And a pint of ‘Whistmans Cider’ “very nice” he said.
Always a little adventure to be enjoyed.

You really do have to be there ...
