Well never seen that before - The Frog Moon!
Out from Lowery Cross as the sun was already getting ready to set. And up the now beautiful track to pop out at the tall stile. The sky was turning bright orange as we circled round to Lowery Tor to see the Supermoon rise. It didn't look too promising, but hey ho. Over to Lether Tor - quite a few people about. And then, there it was, the Harvest moon. Beautifully orange as it came up. Faint tracks led us down and across the lazy dams to the wall corner and down to the leat. Through the gate and along seeking a spot out of the wind with a moon view for a cuppa. Surprise, surprise there were lots and lots of frogs, some teeny tiny and some whoppers. Some classic green frogs and some quite orangery - seems they were all common frogs after all. Lots for them to eat as daddy longlegs abounded. Perhaps the frogs were on the well moonlit track to catch their dinners. So, very carefully now, to the snack bench - a very nice spot. Along, along the leat before heading back up to the cars. On to the Burrator Inn which is always just so welcoming.
A most pleasant evening to be out and about.