WW 11th December 2024


The wind had abated somewhat since the previous day, it was still cold but far more bearable. Off to Pew Tor Quarry to look for the phantom goldfish - AND THERE THEY WERE, we counted six in all. After that excitement it was up and over Pew Tor and then on to Heckwood Tor. After traversing the six constituent parts we dropped down to the track from Pew Tor Cottage. (No more sixes tonight please, two is enough.)
Down over the stream and then a bit of a surprise - the gate into Vixen Tor was found to be openable, so in we went to touch the hallowed rock which was definitely not in “Improved pasture”!
Time was running short by now so following an old leat to start with, we crossed the valley bog. Unfortunately somewhere near the stream one of our crew dropped into a wet muddy hole up to her thighs - just carry on with determination. A track led to Windy Post, round Feather Tor, up over Pew Tor again and back to the cars.
Arriving rather later than intended we were made welcome at the ‘Witty’ which we shared with two others (thank goodness it wasn’t six).
A fun night. 

You really do have to be there ...
