Sometimes strange things happen on the moors. We were promised a clear sky and great sightings of stars and planets as there was no moon. This was indeed the case as we got out of the cars at Peat Cot quarry. So it was off to Nuns Cross using said stars to guide us. It was very soon after this that it got a bit strange. Suddenly it was as if someone pulled a thick blanket over us. We were shrouded in thick mist with only a few yards of visibility. Not a problem we knew where we were and where we wanted to go. Just follow the track to Eylesbarrow. But the track proved difficult to follow. Now there is a navigational technique called boxing, where you avoid a large feature such as a lake by walking at 90 degree angles to form a square:- which is just what we did, but there was nothing to avoid! Eventually reaching Eylesbarrow by using a compass we retreated down to the cycle track, back to Nuns Cross and along the track to the cars. Back to the POW. In good time for a pint and a laugh about our route.
‘Never be cocky when out on the moor.'