WW 10th August 2011

A long walk tonight and we could have been in two different places. We set out from the car park up the track to Bagga Tor with a cool wind, a low sun and good views. On to Lynch Tor, but from here we were in a different world - this was real Dartmoor. Featurless Dartmoor in the mist and that humocky stuff where you don't know if your foot will touch the bottom. Through the wet peaty bits. In the mist and we wandered around a while before finally reaching a spot on the River Tavy below Tavy Hole, where we took a short break. By now it was getting dark. Our route back was to go further up the Tavy before taking a direct line through Walkham Head to Lynch Tor but the going was tough (some described it as horrible and ‘hobbible’). Knee deep in the tusocky stuff for ages but we hit Lynch Tor bang on target and finally arrived at the cars for 10:25. The Peter Tavy Inn was still open. The Jail Ale was accompanied by the fiddle and accordian of the Morris Dancers. We were happy - we had been there when so many hadn't!.

You really do have to be there ...
