WW 24th August 2011

Wakeham's Rook
Hillson's Brake
Ford Waste
High-house Waste
Broadall Lake
Dendles Green
Ford Brook
Fernfires Wood
Higher Hele Farm
Broom Ball
out into the wetting
along long disappeared tracks
through hedges
out onto the moor
subtle waterfalls
cairn and ciste
left and right
following the lights
to the pub
where few spoke
a unique walk

Well, I wondered why no-one turned up for my walk last night and then I got home and checked the list. Doh! Still, Colin, Jan, Linda and I had a lovely walk round Fernworthy Reservoir. I now have a problem in that, thinking my walk was last night, Ive committed myself to something else next week. Could anybody else do it for me? (Bet you don't see the lovely rainbow or the friendly moth, though.)

You really do have to be there ...
