WWW 26th February 2014

Nobody firing stuff on Willsworthy range so we were able to make good use of their mud-free roads on an unusually mainly-dry morning.
We went over White Tor and up to Hare in a most leisurely manner. Here were elevenses accompanied by a fierce but short hail storm. 
Tavy Cleave Tor and Ger Tor were next and then down through Hamlyn's Newtake and back across the range to the cars. 
We were fortunate to have our personal military advisor in attendance to explain the why's, wherefore's and whatnot's of the various bits and pieces of hardware we encountered - very interesting!
The Mary Tavy Inn provided lunch. It must now be deservedly vying with the PoW as the most welcoming pub in our programme.

You really do have to be there ...
