TWW 20th October 2015

So there it was, a Bamfords "Lion" back action Kicker resting in a field. Always lots to see and lots to see it all, someone counted seventeen. No wonder on such a lovely day and such a lovely location. Out from Boulters quarry and along the track before heading past Twyste, still standing if somewhat forlorn. Across Broadmoor Brook and up, up the froggy track. Out onto the moor and up to White for a cuppa. Amazing view all around down to Plymough Sound and out to Fur. Onwards and downwards to Stephen's Grave and across the Wedlake fields. round and back past the Kicker and Tedder to Great and Little Combe Tors. Pausing to admire the swimming pool. And back tot eh cars. Tables were booked at the Mary Tavy Inn for a sumptuous lunch.

You really do have to be there ...
