WW 14th October 2015

What a truly amazing, crystal clear evening. Satellites gracefully cruising across the sky, shooting stars and the space station clear as clear floating overhead. The Milky Way was a ribbon across the sky. absolutely fantastic. And where better to view it all than a warm shelter on Laughter Tor with a cup of tea.
Out from the Hairy Hand and into the woods. The grader had been busy but a way was found out into the clearing to enjoy the wooden clock. Up, up to Bellever as majestic as ever. And down the track to the water tank and gateway. Perfect timing past the Bill Mudge stone to Laughter where a very leisurely tea break was taken to admire the skies. To Laughter Tor cross nestling in the wall and to the forest. Along the tracks where, between the trees, the sky really shone. And back up to find all those wonderful cairns, cists, circles and stone rows. 
To the cars and the ever welcoming Two Bridges where the wonderful voices of a Commoners meeting reminded us where we were. 
You really did have to be there ...

You really do have to be there ...
