TWW 2nd February 2016
About time we explored our own back garden.
From the bridge above Clearbrook out along Plymouth Leat. To find evidence of the decoy airfield from WWII. Looks like it was set up to replicate Harrowbeer. Quite a few of the bases for the runway lights were found. Round and along to daringly cross the A386. Then a real treat up to the recently revealed Iron Age earthworks with views all around, a good choice for an OS trig point. Back along the Down where some saw deer. On to the workings and to marvel at what others find to do on a fine Tuesday morning. Not quite sure, but they seemed to have found some small white balls that they were desperately trying to lose in little holes. They did not find much enjoyment in their pursuit as they looked rather grumpy to us. To the wonderful jubilee monument and fountain. Tea under the Rock by the Williams turret. Once more bravely across the road and down to the truly amazing Yeolands Consols Mine, at least seven buddles in good repair were noted. Quickly back along the track to climb the hill to the Skylark. A goodly lunch was enjoyed with swift, if somewhat stressed, service.