WW 10th February 2016

Entertainment whilst we had our cuppas. The bells rang out over Sampford Spiney as we sat in the vestibule for a nice cuppa.
Out from Oakley and down the leat past the bull stone. Pausing to admire a regular satellite and an Iridium flare. To the road and muddy lane by David Bailey's. We could hear the bells ringing out and they got louder and louder as we approached the church. All the lights were on for us to admire the hatchments. The ringing got more and more energetic before slowing to a stop. Out to the amazing mausoleum. We did peep; all the shelves were empty. Onwards and upwards to Pew before heading down to the cars and a remarkably quiet Whitty.
Another perfect starlit evening.

You really do have to be there ...
