TWW 19th June 2018

A proper gloopy, mizzly, drizzly foggy morning to set out from our side of the moor. To head out to the wonderful; Chagford where the sun was shining and it was lovely and warm. And to get even warmer a quick step up Nattadon Common and on to Week Down Cross which still leans. Round and down to Yellam and on to the ford. Through the lovely lanes and fields to pop out at the ancient stepping stones at Rushford Mill Farm. Over the gently flowing Teign and on up to the weir for lunch. Back along to follow the Two Moors Way back into busy little Chagford where Bowdens still supplies absolutely everything. And then the plan really, really came together. Because on we went to queue like excited children to wait for the totally fantastic swimming pool to open. So in we went for a lovely warm swim and then a cup of tea and a slice of cake.
We really are getting the hang of this!

You really do have to be there ...
