WW 6th June 2018

Sylvia's Meadow - what a real treat.
Heath, Marsh, Lesser Butterfly, Greater Butterfly, Common Spotted and most likely lots more.
All there in abundance just waiting for us to wander by.
Lots of time to explore on a warm evening.
And then out and round by the Donkey Park to head up and over to Hingston Down.
Where the West Saxons beat a combined force of Cornish and Vikings in 838.
The wonderful Hingston Down Consols ruins where Baily's shaft descended over 1000ft.
A nice place for a cuppa as the sun eased.
Too bright for the Iridium to show out, so along and down past lots of meadows.
And along the main road where lots and lots of houses are going up.
By the amazing tin tabernacle 'The Church of the Good Shepherd', last service 1983.
To the Rifle Volunteer for a well earned pint (or more).

You really do have to be there ...
