TWW 16th October 2018

New, new, new - all new. 
From Buckfastleigh, past the super newish church and up the many, many steps to the ruins of the old church burnt to the ground in 1992. Where lie the mortal remains of Richard Cabell secure beneath a gigantic white slab. Onward to Buckfast Abbey with its two ancient crosses. No time to linger, swiftly on and up as the day gently warmed up. To scrump lovely red apples and admire the space rocket. Leaping into Burchetts Wood for some foraging to pop out at Stumpy Oak and Hawson Cross. And now for the real magic - down into the grounds of Brook Manor, what a true privilege. We had a warm welcome from one of the owners to walk through the magnificent grounds and admire the truly tremendous manor house dating from 1656; the home of evil Squire Cabell. Out and down through Bilberry Hill Copse to town. Just in time for a nice lunch at the Globe Inn.
A real treat!

You really do have to be there ...
