WW 10th October 2018

Finally, definite, certain proof, if it were ever needed. Putting on waterproofs definitely, certainly stops it raining. Not much light in the sky to set out from Yellowmeade. Up to Hollow as the rain eased in from the east. Across over and down, down into Foggintor where the frogs were jumping - not a good sign. To the railway and over to seek out Swelltor quarries and a totally new, huge wall to find shelter for a cuppa and escape the rain. Full waterproofs definitely needed to head out from the lee. That stopped it! To the corbels and round as the mast shone out. Down to easily cross the Pilla Brook and up to Four Winds. Onward and back to see what is happening at the PoW. And, surprise, surprise all the wonderful Halloween decorations are up as tasteful as ever.

You really do have to be there ...
