The walk was recced a few weeks ago on a nice warm, dry, gentle breeze kind of day…..a bit different today! A perfect Dartmoor day of wind, rain, mist and mizzle! We walked along the leat from Two Bridges and had much fun was had trying to get Misty over the stiles - she couldn’t work out that she needed to put both her front legs through the gaps in the fence and wasn’t too happy about being manhandled either! Nibbler, despite wearing her coat, had to be picked up several times as she shivering with the cold…in JUNE!
We trudged uphill through the soggy tussocks to Beardown Tors and as it was blowing a hooley dropped down onto the west slopes of the tor for tea and cake and could see across the way that the range horse was in its box. As walk leader I felt it necessary to divert to go and pat its nose and give it a scratch behind the ears.
The plan to cross the river below Beardown Tors was completely scuppered as the heavy rain the previous few days had made it impassable so we walked back along the leat back to the start of our walk.
The Two Bridges was warm and buzzing with people and a very nice lunch was had by all.
In attendance were: Darren, Bill, Jane and Phil, Raz and Stella, Charlie, Brenda, Colin, and me! Animals: Misty, Olive and Naughty Nibbler :-)