WW 5th June 2019

A very fine evening to head out by Statts bridge and wend our way along the old lane to Caroline Farm, abandoned in the 1830s. The gentle track took us out and round into Fernworthy as the cuckoo called. Down the wide track to the amazing Assycombe stone row, cist, burial cairn and huge hut circle. Onward by more huts to the ancient farmstead - over 4,000 years of history right there. A secret forestry track took us through 80°. Gentle dots of rain appeared which the more agile managed to dodge. The midges were rather intimidating so a cuppa was taken near the edge of the forest. Out as a HUGE storm raged over Cosdon. To Water Hill and neatly down to the Warren House Inn where the fire had been lit. Black Sheep bitter from Masham hit the spot as the deerhound explored its dinner. Still lots of daylight to round up to Wheal Caroline and down the gert back to the cars.
These long, long evenings are just wonderful especially with a crescent moon.

You really do have to be there ...
