TWW 2nd July 2019

More amazing weather.
We really could get used to this.
Out from Postbridge and into the woods.
The woodsmen kindly let us through.
To take the Lych Way.
Over the road and on to the nice new track.
To Powdermills - always interesting.
And gently up to the clitter beneath Littaford.
For a nice cuppa.
Onward and upward to traverse Longaford.
On to Higher White.
Views far, far and wide, wide and a gentle breeze.
Over the wall to Lower White.
Where, we were told, a Fairey Battle crashed in 1939.
4th July 1939 - almost exactly 80 years ago.
Fortunately all three crew survived.
For them a misty moor, for us a nice spot for lunch.
Down by Hollowcombe where the orchids are rampant. 
Over the tiny stream, successfully for most.
And back via Archerton to the cars - all jolly nice.

You really do have to be there ...
