WW 17th July 2019

Still nice and warm, still nice and dry to set out from Yennadon. Over the lovely new bridge by the fragrant bedstraw and past the huge bulls. Out along and up to Goat's Pond where the ponies were struggling to find any moisture at all - will it ever rain? Down by the woods that were and round the bend to Stenlake for a cuppa - but just what is that? No it cannot be, yes it is, wet stuff falling from the sky and funny misty stuff appearing, what can it be? Luckily this well prepared team had the necessary accoutrements. Time for a swift cuppa and on by the leat down to Lether Tor Farm. The potato cave was checked and back along to Cross Gate where small patches of liquid had accumulated in the lane - must be a technical term for that. And back, to the very, very busy Walkhampton Inn for some reel Cornish ale.

You really do have to be there ...
