TWW 11th February 2020
A jolly fine set of weather awaited us as we set out from North Bovey. Mind you, it looked promising as we headed across the moor through the snow. To explore St. John's Church with its very fine tombs and pews. Round and up by Yarde Farm with its ancient oak tree and mounting steps - sold for £12m three years ago - wow. Along the old, old trackway by Easdon Down then gently up in the gathering gale to the trig point. Whooping Rock was well worth a look but still too breezy for a cuppa. On the ridge then neatly down to Figgie Daniel for some shelter. Through the superb woods to the road, then on and up back. Some superb hail storms thrashed by, keeping us nice and dry. The Ring o' Bells made a nice spot for lunch - small yet perfectly formed just like us.