Despite concerns over the size of the car park at Heathfield Down, there was room for all, and a couple of spaces left over. We headed of through Sheraleers and Newpark Woods. Despite the recent wet weather, it was not too muddy under foot. A brief stop at Quick Bridge to don full waterproofs (yes, it had started to rain), then up the track past Cholwich Town. By now the sun was shining, and waterproofs were being shed. Up onto the moor, and across to the cairn and stone row, where we stopped for a brew. Refreshed, we carried on to the summit of Penn Beacon for fine views of the clay works. Another heavy shower hastened our decent via Rook Tor, to West Rook gate, then down the track to Heathfield Down, and back to the cars. Then on to the White Thorn Inn for a well-deserved lunch.