TWW 13th October 2020

It certainly was black black over Bill's Mother's as we headed north to Sourton. Soon time for waterproofs as the squalls scudded by. Out and up to the ice works and roundily down the corrie (!?) to Shelstone for a nice cuppa near the handle. The long steady plodge took us up to Branscombe's Loaf where the rain rained. Out along aiming towards Gren as it popped in and out of the mist to find the B17 site. It seems as though the wreckage continues to disappear into the peat. Onward to Gren itself as the sky lightened and the optimists were sure, just sure, they could see the silly old sea. The bridge provided a nice sheltered spot for lunch as the sun started to pop out. Squalls still all around but we were in the clear to head to the points and down to Sourton Tor where an orange stick provided some interest. Ziggedly zaggedly down to the lovely church and back to the cars. So, thanks to Michael for booking the sunshine for lunch and the committee for guiding us round.

You really do have to be there ...
