WW 14th October 2020


It wasn't a squeeze to get in the car park, it was completely impossible it was rammed with vans, crew cabs, cars and a goodly number of camouflaged members of the military with more turning up all the time.
So it was head torches on from the start as we set off past the brightly lit scout hut along Edwards path to Eastern tor. The sky was mostly clear and Mars was looking even redder than usual as the stars all started to appear.
Next it was down through lots of antiquities and some rather squidgy bits to the main stone row in giants basin with its two huge standing stones. Up to Higher Hartor Tor for coffee then across to the top end of Evil Combe (much drier than the lower end).
A short traipse through the tussocks to find the track to Eylesbarrow. A bit of a surprise to find a soldier sat in the dark at the track junction, obviously there to check the others weren't short cutting on their yomp.
We followed the pairs of stones which is all that remains of the water powered flat rod system down to the huge wheel pit. It must have been something to behold when it was all working. Then it was a hunt for the PCWW boundary markers. Easy in daylight but more difficult at night particularly when there are soldiers imitating standing stones all over the place.
A wonderful night to be out there. A touch of winter in the air but clear and dry, what more could you wish for?

You really do have to be there ...
