TWW 22nd December 2020


The last time I did this walk you were unable to join me but today 14 of us set out from number 10. Almost the full quota. We missed you Jon.
No sun shine today, just the usual mizzly, drizzly stuff. Up, up, up to Morwell rock where the Victorians took their pleasure. No views over the Tamar valley today. On through the woods. No sun shining through the translucent new green beech leaves overhead.  Bare branches and deep wet leaves underfoot. On along the lovely old leat path to another wonderful view point but not today, just soggy seats for coffee.
But the mist cleared the water rushed and we continued on to the Tamar trails. Under the rope walks high above and down, down, down past old mine workings, imagining the busy, noisy, smelly, industrial past when others weren’t so fortunate.  Most died before they were able to enjoy retirement.
But low a wonderful luncheon spot with seats for all had been prepared.
Much refreshed we ventured back to Morwellham along Dukes Drive. With the river rushing by in full spate the intrepid walkers braved mud, puddles and barbed wire fences to battled their way back to number 10. Whereupon they enjoyed refreshment and entertainment.
A nice walk.

Beech - the Lost Spells by Robert Macfarlane

Beech gives wind speech -
Each branch reaches to other
branches as the gale rises;
Each leaf dances with other
leaves as the storm crashes.
Can you hear that inland sea,
it’s slow explosion?
High in the hill - woods, huge
surf breaks far from any ocean.

You really do have to be there ...
