WW 2nd December 2020

It was forecast to be wet wet wet but we didn't really need waterproofs for the whole walk. They did some sterling work those leat builders, following contours for miles and delivering fresh water to various farms, cottages and hamlets via controlled flow to subsidiary water courses. It was probably cutting edge technology in its day.

So the idea was to follow the leat from the crossroads near Oakley Cottage and see how many bullseye stones we could find. A map with highlighted dots helped us to find five by the time we got to Windy Post. Following the leat further up stream past the wheelwrights stone and the wonderful little aqueduct towards Merrivale we struck off towards Vixen Tor were the graffiti sprawled on the walls by the 'get off my land' brigade looked fresher than ever. So back via Pew Tor, a quick check on the goldfish (well hidden ) then looping back to the cars under a clear moon. That was good.

You really do have to be there ...
