On a sunny day with a chill wind the 2nd
substitute leader led the hardy four out into the wilderness wandering out via
a dry leat to reach the wet leat where it crosses Spanish Lake. A discussion to
its origin did not reach a conclusion we just put it down to being an old Dartmoor
name. An early coffee stop was called for so advantage could be taken from the
cold wind.
Then it was off to Hen Tor where the views
across the moor were magnificent with Brent Tor clearly visible, and then up
through the tussocks to the trig point, passing three people walking in the
opposite direction. Stella and Charlie disturbed a red grouse and also saw a
common lizard, which seems to be common to all the walks currently - is
Charlie carrying one round with him? We also passed a boundary stone which Phil
subsequently identified as “Hen Tor Warren BS3”, a challenge for another day to
find BS1,BS2,BS4 and BS5?
From the Trig Point, climbing finished, it was
down to Shell Top for lunch, where the leader found a letter box, but shelter
from the wind was hard to find and with clouds now forming everyone was
grateful for a warm drink.
From there we continued on our downward way to
Great Trowlesworthy and Little Trowelsworthy where we found the Flag Pole Block
which has been abandoned on the moor. it
was agreed that sliced up it would make a good number of garden tables all we
need is a volunteer with the appropriate tools to do the job for us. Raz?
There were more people about know as we made our
way back to the cars via Trowelsworthy Warren and the Farm, which certainly has
seen better days, to be greeted by a brief shower.
Peter M