TWW 20th April 2021


Well, after the excitement of getting there (whose idea was it to close the road?!) 12 intrepid walkers (including one very welcome much missed friend) and 2 dogs set off.  Down the hill (never a very good sign at the start?) to the Coffin Stone and then to contour round Vag Hill, through the bronze age settlement to Eastern Coombe.  This was to indulge the leader in her current obsession with medieval longhouses, although the ruins here are probably 18th Century based on a longhouse. In a ruinous state as was demolished by neighbours in the 19th Century who were fed up with the owners “sheep stealing proclivities”.

Despite pleas for a coffee stop, denied as we had only been walking for 48 minutes, we continued on up the hill, past a very large hut circle and 2 more longhouses to the cairn on Yar Tor.  Coffee permission was then granted and time to enjoy the magnificent views.  On then to some welcome ‘down’ and ‘along’ to some more ‘up’ over the brow of far end of Corndon Down to reach the Pyramid stone.  More ‘up’, much groaning, but a welcome pause to enjoy a play with the rusting hay rake, usually buried in the bracken.  We didn’t break it honest!

Up to the first cairn and a stop for lunch with more wonderful views.  Final plod gently up to Corndon Tor and the final down past the memorial and money pit and back to the cars. A lovely warm, sunny day with hardly a breeze.  The moor is really dry and somewhat gorsey here.  Oh yes, and a lizard was spotted and it definitely did not come out of Charlie’s pocket!!


You really do have to be there ...
