The Longest Tuesday and truly marvellous weather for a walk - a cooling northerly with sunshine on and off. Out from Combestone and along to Horn's Cross, always a delightful spot. Then a nice winding track took us past the workings and over the top to Hapstead Ford and a nice spot for 11sies by the H Stone. More gentle tracks took us through the rapidly growing bracken by Snowdon Hole to Pupers with views far and wide. The ridge line took us on toward Snowdon where a lolloping figure could be seen heading to Heap o' Sinners - we knew who it was! So to Snowdon and a spot of shelter for an early lunch. And on up to Ryders where we met 'im. Down and out when a familiar red clothed figure was spotted - always lovely to meet friends out on the moor. All reunited and time for a nice swing Hooten Wheals way to spot the tree on the horizon guiding the way. The track by the old leat took us to a wonderful set of heath orchids - a very orchidy time of year. Then down and back to the cars glistening in the sun. And luckily no naughty ponies about to give them a kicking. A super duper morning to be out on our moor.