After all that silly sunshine a most pleasant proper Dartymoor evening to set out from Bennett's Cross. Nice and mild, with a soft mist and just the hint of drizzle - perfect. To head down the old gerts to Vitifer and along the damp track toward Golden Dagger to be greeted by the wonderful highland cattle. (Lovely how they just look somewhat disdainfully at you and don't budge one inch.) And there a new resident in Dinah's House. Round the gentle bend and on to the farm where the Icelandic sheep grazed. Past the fairy door where the lion stood guard and down to check on the troll who, most fortunately, was fast asleep. No piggy to tickle today and the bluebells were just easing as the lynchets appeared through the mist. A chestnut mare (anyone else remember that song? - The Byrds, wonderful) welcomed us at Headland Warren as Daddy alpaca gazed longingly down at his ladies. The monkey puzzles certainly enjoy this sort of weather as do we as we meandered down to East Birch Tor. Back up and out on the ridge to Birch Tor proper and the easy track back to the cross and the cars. Wood smoke from the Warren House and the sheep slalom guided us home.
A very traditional Wednesday evening.