TWW 20th July 2021


So it was down to Plan C in the end.  A was to head out to the Langstone, scuppered by live firing.  B was to head north anyway and round Wedlake and back, scuppered by some very unDartmoor like weather.  So in the end ……

We met at Beccamoor Combe and opted to head south and seek some shade and possible coolness.  First of course we had to look for the obligatory Longhouse which in this case was just half of one.  Then on down giving a brief wave to the forbidden tor and passing the nicely shaped but abandoned piece of stone.  We wended our way to Sampford Spiney and sought the shade along the church path to stop for a cuppa ( you’ll be interested to know that the flattened grass caused by us sitting is still evident a week later!!).  A meander down lanes to Ward Bridge and a hunt for the C stones and then a long hot slog up the slope to Withill and along to Daveytown.  More shade and a gentle breeze awaited us below Hucken Tor for a much-needed rest and picnic. 

Onwards then to an unscheduled stop at the Dartmoor Inn for coffee, cake, ice cream, beer, cider, iced tea.  Very nice it all was.  Then various routes back to the roasting cars ….. it really was a very hot day!


You really do have to be there ...
