WW 28th July 2021


Both cars managed to get to the car park without encountering the hairy hand and the three of us set off along the Lych Way. The proposed route up to Bellever Tor was obscured by previous felling so we picked our way through the bones of the old forest which gave us a good sighting of two deer. A quick scramble to the summit in a chilling wind and then on to Laughter Tor to shelter behind the rocks for coffee. Down along the wall and into the forest with the sighting of two more deer. Trundling along through lots of freshly planted trees I thought we may spot the first nightjars but it wasn't to be. Arriving at the crossroads on the track down to Bellever in failing light, the first one appeared. A quiet walk along the usual track towards Postbridge with another four brief sightings. They really were elusive tonight, and unusually no calling to herald their presence. So back to the Lych way with another deer seen. A rewarding wildlife walk.


You really do have to be there ...
