TWW 31st August 2021


There was hardly any room in the car park due to all the Landmark Trust crew cabs scattered about, all getting ready for the new firing season I presume. Do we really need to pay all these people just to paint a few poles red and white?

So off down to the Cowsic ( funny name for a river that) over the badly rotting Bridge by the leat take off,  then up and over Beardown Tors. On to Lidford Tor for coffee in the lea of the rocks. The path to Beardown Man was more difficult to see than usual due to long grass but thankfully a lot less boggy. Round the head of the Cowsic and back to Conies Down Tor for a spot of lunch. Obligatory visit to Travellers Ford cross then back through Holming Beam Bottom to the cars. A fine walk with lovely clear views.


You really do have to be there ...
