WW 18th August 2021


A lovely clear evening with a fresh breeze. Just the two of us. Down to the Lyd which was very low so an easy crossing of the stepping stones. Following the valley upstream heading in a direct line for Gren Tor. A surprisingly steep climb up to the peatworks tramway. We made a decision not to visit Gren Tor and Hunt Tor as a pint in the pub at after the walk seemed a better idea so on to Great Links Tor. Looking for a sheltered spot behind a Tor  for a cuppa we disturbed a solitary wild camper. It was then on down to Arms Tor where a lovely guy and his family of four children were out for their first wild camp and loving it!  Back to the Mary Tavy Inn for that welcome pint in a lively atmosphere - what could be better.


You really do have to be there ...
