TWW 14th December 2021


Full carpark, in the mist , so many , 13 in fact, wonderful .

No view of any moors so it was blind leading blind up through the Bronze Age village and the old quarries. Soon to the Leedon Tors with their strange grumpy shapes. Past tracks and hollows down to the railway and on to the shelter of Ingra Tor Quarry and its lovely circular crane bases for coffee and treats.
Now down a track to join a bridle path linking to Routrundle. And a familiar figure approaches through mist. We are now 14.
Next along the track we come to the interestingly named Babyland, a very well defined longhouse and associated buildings with garden . This delighted even those who keep an eye on all things longhouse !
On along the track now , past Routrundle Farm and on up to the moors again. Through grassy gorsey lands to another area of circular homes before rejoining the railway.
The mist was still around us as we climbed away up past the old quarry and pits towards the stone row..quite a long one..once found !! No one lost !
Rumbling tummies and a contour to follow back to the cars in the mist and a drive down the hill to a very pleasant convivial Burrator Inn with very tasty meals and snacks. 
To be repeated. On a clearer day !!

You really do have to be there ...
