WW 8th December 2021


According to the English dictionary, wind is a current of air, sometimes of considerable force, moving generally horizontally from areas of high pressure to areas of of low pressure. That's a very genteel way of putting it I'd say!

From the quarry car park at Two Bridges we negotiated many horrid stiles to pass through the woods and Cowsic River. Very picturesque in the light of our head torches.
Most Interesting was the biggest fairy circle with enormous fairy fungi I've ever seen, spooky!
Past the farm and up through Beardown Wood the wind got stronger until out on to the ridge it did its best to discourage us from carrying on. One of us couldn't breathe, another couldn't stand up, but did we give up? No we did not, no plan B tonight! Finally reaching one of the Beardown Tors we gratefully sheltered under somewhat precariously balanced rocks for much needed drinks. The views of Princetown below us looked quite Christmassy ahhhh!
Slight wrong turn of direction took us through king-size tussocks worthy of Raz, instead of nice clear path, until we leapt over the leat and followed the rough path back down past Beardown Farm, horrid stiles, past the hotel who gives all travellers, walkers etc a very warm welcome .... as long as its before 4oclock in the afternoon! 10 o'clock and the Prince of Wales was open, a Christmas party in full swing. Too loud for Conversation, foot tapping and head nodding was all we could do until suddenly the music stopped, everyone baled out and we were.....
Driving home for Christmas!! 🎄

You really do have to be there ...
