WW 15th February 2023


Quite an adventure ...

Setting out from Rundlestone on a very dark and misty evening to the old peat tramway. Past The Touchstone, put there by an ex-prison governor to celebrate the millennium. A touching poem exploring how we are all half through our own book of life with half of it already written and behind us and the rest to come. Following the tramway we even found some old rails before heading up to clamber (!) out. To the leat and along to Sinclair's Cross where we were pleased to have the opportunity to clean it up. Down and by to see Fice's Well. And seek it we certainly did, finding the Blacka Brook clapper in the meantime. Fice's Well is fantastic dating back to 1568, well before the turnpike road and all the prison enclosures. It is famed for its healing powers for those with poor eyesight - perhaps we should have rubbed some into our eyes. Out through White Gate and many, many (many) tussocks to eventually find the wire fence and then a cut across to Little Mis. Down the main track and then nice little bunny trails back by Arthur's fields. To the ever welcoming and reliable Prince of Wales for a nice pint and some education from Bill.

You really do have to be there ...
