Well!.......Oh what a night!
Just two of us set off from hillside CP this evening with one object in mind (apart from a beer in the pub).Will we, won't we? Will she, won't she!! we shall see.
This walk, ably led my me and redirected in a masterful fashion by the man himself.......too long I believe.
So, past the farms of Hillside and Longash on a long ancient track down through temperate rainforest to the rocks surrounding Hucken Tor. Branching off the track to weave our way around Hucken and then onwards to the old railway track below King Tor.
Still no sign of what we're hoping to see.
The corbels haven't moved much!
On to the old stone railway hut for drinkies and chat before finding the very thick walled gunpowder shelter. Down to the track below Foggintor marvelling at the huge granite chipping tips. What a workplace this whole area must have been. Imagine the noise.
Still no sign!!!
Found a huge "motorway" track down towards Fourwinds and the road. Picking our way over various waterways and up to the Merrivale antiquities, the skies began to brighten and the stars started to show themselves. We stood and watched and then, it happened!!
Yay!! The object of our walk started to show herself in a glorious orange hue, slightly veiled by Dartmoor cloud. The Snow Moon showed us a tantalising glimpse of herself before sliding behind more cloud..
So, one object achieved, on to the next, at the Prince of Wales, where we had a nice chat with who else but Gandalf.
You really have to walk on Wednesdays to know, you know.