TWW 14th March 2023


Stoned at Stannon
Shilly shallying at the sheepfold
Buzzing in the beehive
All in all a nice walk, helped of course by sunny weather.
Starting over the iconic clapper at Postbridge to avoid being flattened bt passing traffic. Over the road and on to the track leading past Ringhill and Higher Merripit Farm. A lot of drainage work being done to stop flooding. Turning left up a "private lane" (farmers ploy to stop daft people in cars getting stuck) and out on the open moor and the track leading to Stannon cottage.
This place never fails to fascinate, the usual trying to peer in through windows. It doesn't change much.
The Rolling Stones used to lease this place from the Duchy when they needed "inspiration" for their songs. Judging by the mound of half buried bottles outside they needed a lot. More "Brown Sugar" needed I say.
If Michael L had been with us ,he would have been playing his repertoire of Stones tracks on his phone, I feel sure.
Over the broken gates and on to rock on to the very grand sheepfold. What fabulous stonework, inside and out.
Our tea break taken here with much discussion of its bygone uses: a potato and starch farm, storage facilities for potatoes under the linhays, shelter for sheep etc and maybe a tennis court, suggested  by someone who's taken too much "Brown Sugar" that morning. In fact there was too much hilarity going on all round as we set off in search of the Beehive on the banks of the East Dart. Following walls and over tussocks there it was, the quarrymen's tool shed/shelter beautifully preserved and a great photo opportunity for "Honky Tonk Women " and Jumping Jack Flashes" .
A place to "Give me Shelter" from "Wild Horses".
Enough now!
On up back to the track as the hail started, thankfully into our backs, not our faces. We stopped off on Heartland Tor  for a discussion/rant/moan on finance/pensions/benefits, and especially banks, before the chill wind got too much and we descended down past Hartyland and on to the almost unrecognisable East Dart for lunch.
I can't say welcoming, let's just say, room for improvement.

"It's only Rock and Roll"


You really do have to be there ...
