TWW 21st March 2023


Everyone certainly agreed that it was a real proper full Dartmoor walk with a bit of everything - just right!
Out from Peat Cot as the rain lashed down to follow the steadily deteriorating track to Nun's Cross Farm. A small bit of shelter then out along the leat where hugely optimistic toads had been very busy, and having a jolly good time. Along the track to Whealam Bottom Cross; looking rather forlorn today. Then up to Hand Hill Cross (Northmore's) which always appears just when is does. Faint tracks took is through the Bottom itself to a nice little gert for a cuppa. Along along past the turf ties to Fox Tor with views far and wide. The rain soon eased then stopped never to appear again (promise). Down into the huge workings of Fox Tor Gert and on to Sunshine Valley: yes really, see the Harveys map. And sunshine we had! The steady trek by the wall took us to Mount Misery and we could still see the car park. Then it all got a bit more umpity. The tussocks crowded in and the 'baby's heads' made for tough going. So slowly and carefully down to Swincombe Reservoir where, after all these years, some bright spark had decided to fix the wire fence. So over the gate to seek some shelter from the increasing wind for a spot of lunch. All too soon, back at it, over the bridge and up to seek out the main track. A long, long slog took us to our final challenge, the Strane. With a bit of pulling all safely over to head up the hill back to the cars - and all we had were damp feet.

So, all in all, a really great full day out - thanks Mike.

You really do have to be there ...
