TWW 13th June 2023


Well we finally made it! Bill's walk - no not that Bill the other Bill who has been going on and on and on and on about Pudsham orchids for months if not years. The slightest hint of mist soon disappeared as we made our way over the Moor to Cold East Cross. The sun was already beating down as we followed the boundary stones and then over the wall to Welstor Rock - a proper little tor. Back and up to the very fine Ten Commandments and a brief top of Buckland Beacon with views far and wide. A nice track took us down by the prickles to the old bridleway and across Ruddycleave Water. Bowden farmhouse is absolutely fabulous with thatch on the original longhouse and the extension and outbuildings beautifully crafted with diminishing slate work. Up the lane and round the corner to seek out the orchid fields. And they truly are fantastic, orchids everywhere, hard not to step on them. We met the warden from the Dartmoor Preservation Society who own the fields. He was setting out the stakes and rope for the orchid count taking place tomorrow. Last year they counted 4645 orchids with over 1500 in the top field alone. We reckoned 1500 in the top field was a very conservative estimate and wondered just how they counted so, so many. The day was heating up as we headed over Pudsham Down with a small detour to identify the site of an ancient longhouse. Down, down to Blackslade Water where those with self restraint enjoyed their lunch in the shade. Out again and over the Water to find a bit of damp and masses of sundews. Up to Lucy's Stone Spiral and then back along to the ill-named Cold East Cross. (My car read 29C and it must have been near that.)

A fabulous trip out to some new orchid fields - will it ever, ever, ever rain again?

You really do have to be there ...
