TWW 20th June 2023


That view. A grey journey and then that blue view, punctuated by the green wedge of the Mewstone.

Seaside excitement, the lovely noise of children playing and soon we were climbing quite steeply on this "mainly level" walk !!
Looking back from our newly acquired height we shuddered to imagine what if the 1909 plan for a four jetty liner port had come to fruition with its seawall joining the Mewstone to the land.
The Yealm estuary on our right and poppyfields to the left again we imagined the WW2 decoy structures on New Barton Farm and maybe lives saved. 
Not all was as it should be in the signage and footpath department but a coffee stop with a view was enjoyed with airings of maritime lingo before venturing with trepidation to yes..a no through path.. as well as foot ferry steps. Back up to Rocket Cottage for a retry to connect to woodland path and a field border neatly strimmed guided us eventually to a woodland section, more field, and then a notice informing of footpath closures due to ash dieback !
Tracks followed back towards church and leader showed off her Tom Daly moves into a grassy rut. Hey-ho!
A stop at St Werburgh's Church where an enchanting medieval sounding musical practice session gained our applause. 
Down to the beach now and tasty purchases at the cafĂ©. A large log provided seating for our picnics and school children finished their beach session and left us to the peace of an almost empty beach. Three TWW's swam in warm waters and no-one was in a rush to go home . Not hometime yet, there was just one more thing of course, it was ice-cream time !!

You really do have to be there ...
