A misty mizzly evening to set out from the Scout Hut. All quiet, no sign of any soldiers - but perhaps they were all very good at hiding. Out along Edward's and on to quite a spooky Ditsworthy. By the track and the stream up to the magnificent standing stones. The track onward always seems like a long way but, this evening, it was interminable - until we got there. Still very mild for a cuppa atop Higher Hartor Tor - the promised rain still to arrive. Across to Eylesbarrow mine and down the bumpy road. And slowly the rain did arrive and by the time we got to the cars it was quite ploppy. To the Royal Oak where Stephen is still in charge for a couple of weeks - we will see what happens after that. Unfortunately we were just finishing our drinks when the Morris Folk bowled in so we missed the melodious music.