WW 4th October 2023


It was so good we did it again only backwards plus those that did it last time couldn’t this time and those who didn’t, could!
So off we set from Bere Ferris Harbour. The river was still, no wind again but dark set in much quicker after only two weeks. So along the footpath by the river into the woods - torches on - finding the crossed paths - left - up up up to Hole Farm. Two green eyes followed us through the farmyard. Out onto the road, the lights of Saltash so close. Down to find the footpath around the Maize fields. Different again, the maize had been harvested, only stubble left. Lots of Daddy Long Legs, bats in pursuit. Then joy of Joys - a Barn Owl perched on a gate. He silently flew away as we approached.
Down the old lane festooned with Hips, Haws and Holly berries.
It’s always different even when it’s the same.

You really do have to be there ...
