Well that was a most pleasant day - washing on the line. The forecast for the evening was drizzle by 7pm gently turning to rain - but what do they know, whenever have they been right? Full of expectation of a superb sunset and a nice bright moon. So, out the door and up to Pork Hill. And into the cloud and soft mizzle. Could the forecast be right - No. Along, along and up to Little as the cloud got denser and on to Middle. Great was nowhere to be seen but steadily it emerged from the gloop. Of course on to Roos for a nice cuppa and a superb chocolate cake with cream courtesy of our visitors - thanks! By now, right on time, the mizzle steadily turned to proper rain - no matter. Down to the the dew pond and up through the thurfurs. Slowly, very slowly the trig point decided to emerge. So, downety down towards the car park. On the way a wonderful purple oil beetle - good spot. Eventually the car park peeped out and then, a blasted gritter heading up to Princetown - funny weather we are having. So on to a very quiet Whitty to settle in the settles for a catch up.
A most pleasant, real, proper evening to be out on the moor.