TWW 30th April 2024


Better late than never mmmm ok.
It's now or never (Elvis). That's better!
So, all six gathered at Lower Trendlebere CP. Straight down to our usual track and turning into Pulleybank Wood, dressed in wonderful vivid greenery.
Out past the small, long carpark and onto the mediaeval bridge of Drakeford, much repaired with old plaque telling us all about it.
Just around the corner and an even smaller bridge, Saddlepack bridge much widened for modern modes of traffic.
Keep going now towards Lustleigh, lovely houses and cottages, well kept country gardens and flowers aplenty.
Very tranquil and calm, the world here is at a slower, calmer pace, very unlike Belfast. People there must live shorter lives there, it's so fast, vibrant, hectic even. 
Here in Lustleigh you can live forever in calm serenity.
Coffee in Post Office, like a TARDIS in there! Bursting with goodies and fresh produce as befits, dare I say it?, the wealthy inhabitants of the village!
Into the playing fields to drink our coffee, the apple trees in full bloom, the May Queen's stone and throne cleaned and painted for the upcoming celebrations.
Down and up, was it left or right?, finally finding the ancient track. 
Wild flowers aplenty bluebells, campions, violets and, oh heaven, the early purple orchids.
Through to Heaven's Gate at Pethybridge, truly well named. Must have smelled devine, I DO hope my sense of smell comes back soon!
Walking back towards the amazing Hisley packhorse bridge the long steep hill back to the cars, didn't seem so steep today.
Lunch was calling!
The Kestor inn at Manaton made us welcome, the price was right as was the food. Alright.

Now, can I tell you about Belfast and the marathon.  .......well !!!!!!!! l !!!!!!!!!!!


You really do have to be there ...
