WW 17th November 2010

At the usual time a familiar group gathered at one of the many places we start our walks. After a brief catch up on news they set off from the cars out and along onto the moor. Following quite well known tracks, up and along and round. The ground was quite soft in places and in others not quite so. Reasonably good progress was made and generally people kept close enough together. After a suitable length of time a short stop was made to gather together and check all was as well as it should be. Onward they went until a stop was called for a warming drink, something to eat and a chat. It was not too warm and yet not really cold so after an appropriate pause off they went, now rather more downwards than upwards. Soon enough the cars were in view and the trip made to the pub. Most everyone had a drink or even two and a good long discussion of what had been, what might have been and what may be. Then the drive home. For some quite a short drive whilst for others a little bit longer. All in all a thoroughly memorable walk.

You really do have to be there ...
