WW 16th July 2014

Now that was jolly warm, even hot and very, very humid - we do not use the word 'sweaty'! Out from Manaton round the funny church and up to Manaton Rocks for the view. Strimmer person had been busy so not too prickly down to the road. Then steeply, steeply before the track to Foxworthy. Up the ancient trackway and on to Peck Farm. The Longhorn lady went past but no sign of the beasts. To Hunter's Tor for a cuppa looking over the cleave and out to Bowerman's, Hound and Hay. Along the ridge eventually to Nut Crackers then the swift plunge down to Clam Bridge. The very steep hill was rather warm but we safely made it straight to the Kestor Inn with its little shop before walking back to the cars. On the way back the traditional array of sheep sleeping on the road and then the rain came.

You really do have to be there ...
